What You Can Do

Stop Debunking Pro-Trump Stories

You need to be sensitive to Trump Supporter's view or the world and the mainstream media. It's no secret that a tiny number of giant corporations control all news media and it makes sense to us that this financial control translates into absolute editorial control at all levels and that the well-known liberal bias of the news media means they tell baldfaced lies about everything. When we express ourselves and you attack us with snarky Snopes articles or humiliating Pants-On-Fire "Politifact" ratings, this is insensitive. Remember that fake news has real emotions behind it and you should be as sens
itive to our emotions as you want us to be to yours!

Remember: Fake News has real emotions behind it! Don't make fun of our emotions!

Acknowledge That Trump Has Made A Difference

One of the most frustrating things about dealing with liberals is that they delight in claiming that president Trump hasn't done what he promised or should get credit for what he says he's done. Trump has limited radical Islam infiltration, brought jobs back, and improved the economy. Arguing about that is just a way to demoralize us and try to make us out to be "country bumpkin" dupes. Posting articles about how his jobs initiatives were announced back in 2015 or how the so-called Muslim Ban is being blocked by the courts just makes us feel powerless and foolish.

When Trump won, we felt a great sense of pride and victory--stop trying to take that away from us. Find a Trump-supporter you know personally and thank them for their vote. Tell them that Trump's latest action, no matter how derided by the mainstream media, has made a really difference in the country and in your life. You'll be surprised at how friendly a Trump-Voter can be!

Stop Making Fun of Trump's Tweets

Our president gets on Twitter and tells the whole world what he really thinks. Sometimes, like all of us, he misspells words. Sometimes it can be hard to figure out how his statements turn out to be true. Yes, it's new. Yes, it's different--but there is no reason you should be afraid or disrespectful of that. Imagine your good friend and you are sitting at a bar and he's telling a "tall tale." Do you call him out in front of everyone and make him out to be a liar? No. It's your friend so you back him up. That's what we do with Trump and you should consider doing the same. 

Twitter isn't policy. If Trump says something that you think isn't true, wait until someone gets killed or loses a job over it or something before going on the attack. Trump is our voice and if he says he was wire-tapped or that he had the biggest inauguration or electoral win in history and you start with the FBI or the photographs or the numbers out of some dusty old history book, we see that as you making trouble for no good reason.

We Can Call Ourselves Deplorable, You Can't

Hillary divided the country when she called half of us "deplorable." Arguing about exactly how many of us fit her description doesn't help either. Name-calling has no place in politics and it's high time you stopped it. You should understand this: it's okay for a Trump-voter to call themselves "a deplorable" but if you use the term, that's offensive. It was especially offensive when Hillary, a woman, did it to thousands of under-privileged men who are constantly under attack by the liberal elites. 

Like all Americans, we have our own opinions and beliefs and it's the liberal tradition to respect that--so respect it. If you listen, you might learn a thing or two. 


No More Linking To Anti-Trump Sites

There is a whole cottage industry of sites that exist to do nothing more than make fun of Trump and his supporters. Have a respectful discussion is fine but these sites offer nothing more than ridicule and schadenfreude (a liberal term meaning pleasure at other's pain). Stop linking to them, discussing them, or posting them to social media. You should consider mainstream media sources you share as well. Are they fair? Are they balanced? Do they give both sides a fair hearing? Probably not if you're a liberal so get out of your bubble. Try sharing Fox, Breitbart, or World Net Daily a few times and see how the Trump-Supporters in your social circles suddenly feel included and valued again!